Active Stocks
Thu Jun 20 2024 13:24:36
  1. Tata Steel share price
  2. 182.70 1.47%
  1. HDFC Bank share price
  2. 1,669.00 0.66%
  1. ITC share price
  2. 425.45 0.41%
  1. Tata Motors share price
  2. 980.25 0.29%
  1. Bharti Airtel share price
  2. 1,385.05 -0.58%
Business News > Mint Authors > Devina Sengupta

Devina Sengupta

Deputy Editor
Devina tracks and writes on workplaces, human resources and education for Mint. She also occaisionally writes an opinion column. She hosts a podcast on interesting HR trends in corporate India called The Working Life.


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