Active Stocks
Thu Jul 04 2024 15:04:32
  1. Tata Steel share price
  2. 176.10 -0.14%
  1. Tata Motors share price
  2. 989.80 1.45%
  1. HDFC Bank share price
  2. 1,730.15 -2.16%
  1. Wipro share price
  2. 529.55 -1.76%
  1. State Bank Of India share price
  2. 840.10 0.00%

Naman Suri

Trainee - Reporter
Naman is a skilled business journalist who excels in breaking down complex financial details. He specializes in the corporate sector, providing thorough coverage of the pharmaceutical industry, the dynamic field of sports business, and the fascinating area of white-collar crime. Naman has a knack for making sense of numbers and presenting them in an understandable way.


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