Active Stocks
Fri Jun 14 2024 15:58:47
  1. HDFC Bank share price
  2. 1,597.45 1.05%
  1. State Bank Of India share price
  2. 840.20 -0.44%
  1. Tata Steel share price
  2. 183.05 0.30%
  1. ICICI Bank share price
  2. 1,105.10 -0.20%
  1. Kotak Mahindra Bank share price
  2. 1,717.00 -0.54%
Business News/Topic/    Economy Tracker


Mint runs two monthly macroeconomic trackers to assess the state of the Indian economy. The Mint Macro Tracker, launched in October 2018, is a report card on 16 high-frequency indicators, and compares each with their five-year average trends. The Emerging Markets Tracker, launched in September 2019, compares India with nine other peer economies on seven high-frequency indicators.
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