5 things to do when you car gets stuck in water

Published By Livemint | 11 Jul, 2023
With incessant monsoon rains, waterlogged streets and roads have become a common sight
It is but obvious to get stuck in water if you are travelling by car. Here are 5 things you should do in such case

Escape from the vehicle at the first 

It requires no rocket science to understand why you should leave your vehicle and reach at a safer place

Do not turn on the engine

If you are stuck in water, turning your car’s engine again and again can be fatal for the engine

Get your car towed

Getting your vehicle to a safer place once the situation seems to ease out should be a top priority

Inform the insurance company

 Do not forget to take the vehicle’s photo that you may need for insurance purposes

Remove the water build from the car and keep it ventilated

Image credits: Pixabay