Published By MintGenie Team | 28 Feb, 2024

Surge in Savings Schemes Inflows

Inflows into Senior Citizen Savings Scheme and Monthly Income Scheme have increased significantly during the current fiscal year.
Credit : PIXABAY

Collection Figures

Collection through SCSS reached 90,000 crore, compared to 37,000 crore in FY23. Similarly, MIS collection rose to nearly 20,000 crore from 5,000 crore in FY23.
Credit : PEXELS

Mahila Samman Savings Certificate

Launched in the current fiscal, the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate has garnered over 19,000 crore.
Credit : PIXABAY

Scheme Enhancements

The maximum deposit limit for SCSS has been raised to 30 lakh from 15 lakh, effective from April 1, 2023. MIS limits have also been increased.
Credit : PIXABAY

Mahila Samman Scheme Details

The Mahila Samman Savings Certificate aims to empower women financially and offers a fixed interest rate of 7.5% for a two-year tenor.
Credit : PIXABAY

Progress Towards Collection Targets

Against the Revised Estimate target of 4.37-lakh crore, the mobilised amount till early February was 2.76-lakh crore, indicating 64% of the target achieved.
Credit : PEXELS

Comparison with Previous Fiscal Year

During the corresponding period of FY23, the mobilised amount was 1.91-lakh crore, highlighting significant growth.
Credit : PIXABAY

Composition of Small Savings Schemes

The small savings schemes basket includes instruments like NSC, PPF, KVP, and Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme.
Credit : PIXABAY

Interest Rate Adjustment

The government resets the interest rate for small savings schemes at the beginning of every quarter.
Credit : PIXABAY

Significance of Enhanced Limits

The increase in deposit limits and introduction of new schemes have contributed to the growth in savings mobilisation, offering individuals diverse options for financial planning and security.
Credit : PIXABAY