Madurai is witnessing rising religious tensions after police imposed a ban on animal sacrifices at the Sikandar Badushah dargah, located on the sacred Thiruparankundram hill in Tamil Nadu. The dargah, a revered site for Muslims, shares the hill with the Thiruparankundram Murugan Temple, one of the six abodes of Lord Murugan, making it a significant pilgrimage destination for Hindus, India Today reported.
The controversy began when a group of local Muslims attempted to bring goats and chickens to the dargah for traditional sacrificial rituals.
The Tamil Nadu police intervened, citing regulations against animal slaughter on the hill, which is considered sacred by Hindus.
Officials stated that such practices could disturb communal harmony and violate environmental guidelines. The ban has sparked outrage among members of the Muslim community, who argue that animal sacrifice has been an integral part of their religious customs at the dargah for generations.
Protests erupted in the area as Islamic groups demanded the restoration of their right to perform rituals. Community leaders claim that the ban infringes upon their religious freedoms and disregards their cultural heritage.
On the other hand, Hindu organisations have welcomed the move, asserting that animal sacrifices near the temple desecrate its sanctity. They have also accused certain groups of attempting to encroach upon the hill's religious significance.
Indian Union Muslim League MP Nawaz Kani visited the site and held discussions with the Madurai Police Commissioner, India Today report added.
Nawaz Kani wrote on X, “We visited the Madurai Sikandar Dargah and conducted a field survey. We met the Police Commissioner of Madurai and urged that all people should take steps to come and go with harmony as it was in the past without any problem.”
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai condemned the MP’s actions, accusing him of attempting to create divisions between religious communities.
In a post on X, Annamalai stated, “In the spiritual land of Tamil Nadu, all religions have their own rules of worship at their places of religious worship. Their sanctity must be preserved. But the events taking place at Thiruparankundram Subramanya Swamy Temple (Murugan Temple) are unpleasant.”
Local authorities are now working to mediate between both communities to prevent further escalation. Meetings have been held with representatives of both faiths to find a peaceful resolution. However, tensions remain high as both sides stand firm on their positions.
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