Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan met Pankaj Jha, who plays Vidhayak Ji in the popular 'Panchayat' series, and was seen for an interesting social media post which is garnering the attention of social media users. Apart from this, Amitabh can also be seen in another video with actor Chandan Roy, who played the role of Vikas.
Initially, it appeared like Amitabh could be part of the next Panchayat season, but both advertisements have been made to create awareness regarding online financial scams.
In the first video, posted by Amitabh Bachchan on Instagram opens with Vidhayak Ji receiving a call from a bank employee regarding a 'Paisa Badhao investment'.
After hearing this, Vidhayak Ji asks, "How will you increase our money". To this, the caller replies, "We have increased the money for numerous investors till now."
Tempted to make an investment, Vidhayak Ji asks, "how can I invest?" and the the caller says, "Just do as we say".
Soon after Amitabh enters the scene and takes the phone from Vidhayak Ji, saying, "don't worry, we have added you to the list of Tihar, and you also need to do as they say. We do not take responsibility for your safety". He even threatens the caller that the police will trace his number within minutes and put him behind bars.
Big B wrote in caption of his Instagram post, "Be cautious, be aware !! Always use SEBI approved apps and platforms .. call Cyber Dost at 1930 for assistance."
In the second video posted by Big B, one can see Vikas getting a job offer by an unknown caller who was offering him an opportunity in a foreign country and promising him to pay ₹2 lakh a month.
Intrigued by the offer, Vikas agrees to it, but he soon enters Big B and tackles the situation exactly as he did before. He threatens the caller that the police will trace him in minutes.
Taking to Instagram, Big B wrote, "Be cautious, be aware !! Always use official Job websites / Approved agencies .. call Cyber Dost at 1930 for assistance."
The following advertisement are part of Indian government's initiative to make people aware how scamsters are fooling the innocent people and these situations can be avoided.
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